Thursday, December 16, 2010


We woke up this morning to snow falling and the news that school was cancelled. I was supposed to work today, but because of the treacherous roads and what will be a pretty slow day at the store, I am able to stay home. I think a day at home with all things warm and cozy is just what this heart needs.

So, here is what I am dreaming up for this snowy, wintery day.

Baking Christmas cookies...

Perhaps I will pull out the blanket I began knitting last year. It seems that I only pull this project out on days like today.

Of course, our favorite wintertime treat will be had by all.

I will settle into my favorite chair, wrapped in my favorite quilt and read a little...

But the best part is being able to have the day with these three...

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Finding Peace

This past month has been a whirlwind of sorts. Funny though, because even in the midst of busyness, I have found peace.

The reason this peace catches be my surprise so much is that I don't do well with stress and hurried schedules. When I look at everything going on and things that need to be done, I should be feeling completely overwhelmed. I just thank God that He can come in and completely sweep me over with a peace and strength I can't possess on my own.

The Lord is taking me on another new journey and I keep thinking about how the traveling I've done over the past year or so, has prepared me for the place He is leading me to now. I am really excited and hopeful. I know that God's time-table is His alone, and I can fully believe Him to perfectly orchestrate every single detail. One of the most significant lessons I've learned in walking with the Lord is to embrace and enjoy every part of what He brings and where He takes me. I'll be honest though and say that it took me a long time to learn and accept this. A lot of surrendering, tears, and wrestling with God happened way before I could rest in and embrace where I was.

Truths I have believed before are finding their place in my heart once again as well as the new ones. The lesson that my faith requires action is what motivates me to cling tightly to Jesus knowing that I can trust Him with everything. What I have learned about God and His character in the past is the foundation for which can carry me through now.

So, with the coming of celebrating the Savior's birth, I will delight and rest in His peace.  I will let go of to-do lists and focus on the priorities. This Christmas will be about joy, simplicity, love, and the anticipation of all things to come.